Monday, August 9, 2010


When I decided to look into fostering I looked for blogs like this to read about other people's experience. I found many that started and never continued. Now I know why. When do I have time to blog now that I'm a parent?
We've had little man for 2 1/2 weeks and it's been great. He's a wonderful child and very well adjusted to his situation and our home. He's not had a single temper tantrum, let alone even cried. We rarely have to ask him twice to do something or stop doing something. I often joke that he's a little practice "robot" that they give to new foster parents that have never had a child in the home so that they can adjust. Ha! He's so well mannered. I can't believe it. I do realize that he may be afraid to make us mad, so we are keeping an eye on that, but I really do think he's just a good kid in general.
It is still difficult at times, but just for all the normal reasons. We get free day care from 7:30 to 5:30 M-F if we need it but even then those 3 hours he is home before going to bed, wow, they consume you!
He hasn't cried for his mom. Once in a while he'll say that his mom lets him do whatever he wants and I empathetically say, "I know". Because that's what my parenting books tell me to say. If I haven't mentioned them before, Love and Logic and Screamfree Parenting are the books we go by and the techniques work like magic. I bet the reason we've not had too many problems is because we started right off the bat with the techinques they teach.
Back to being a mom...

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