Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Still Standing

In my quest for knowledge about what it's like to be a foster parent I've read several times that dealing with case workers can be a pain. Not because they aren't wonderful, hardworking people but because they are overworked and underpaid. Foster parents claim that their caseworkers are difficult to get ahold of and there's lots of turn over. I'm getting a taste of that problem already.

We've had our application paperwork in for over a month now and were just waiting patiently for our homestudy since our caseworker told us that was the next order of business. I got antsy the other day and so I sent an email to my caseworker and now she tells me I have to do training before I can do the homestudy. She apologized and explained that she is so swamped that I slipped through the cracks.

That really makes me sad because I've been waiting around for a long time and if I had I known that I would have already completed my training by now. My caseworker is one of 2 in my county. There are supposed to be four. It's really sad that there are people like me who are eager to foster but are delayed by lack of funding for caseworkers.

So, I've registered for the next training which isn't until April 23rd. Which by the way is free and they pay your hotel and mileage. That was good news at least! Then we'll do the homestudy and then hopefully shorly after we'll be placed with a child. Both Husband and I are really eager to start this new adventure.

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