Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Yesterday was our last homestudy session. There were 3 in total, lasting 2 hours each. The only thing we had to do was get plug covers and make sure chemicals and medicine was either out of reach or locked up.
When they left they said we were pre-certified which means we are legally able to foster, so now we just wait for the call. We still have some training to do. Here's where we're at now:

To be pre-certified:
12 hour CORE training Husband and I both done
15 hours of "other training". Our county has several training opportunities for these hours such as reading books and newsletters, attending potlucks and other miscellaneous parenting classes. Lealyn done. Ant needs about 5.
Homestudy Done
1st aid and CPR certification Ant and Lealyn both done

Then you need 20 hrs of training your first year totalling 47 hours. I need 5. Husband needs 25.

I learned yesterday that Husband is really concerned and scared. But he's not showing any signs of wanting to back out. He just worries about having a child and getting attached and having to give them back. That's an understandable fear for sure. I'm not worried about that too much myself. Maybe I'm not being realistic. But I"m focusing more on the experience we will have. I'm just so eager to help that I don't care if it's not forever. I look forward to what's to come. It will all work out and it will all be beautiful.

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